The characters and action are drawn with large, movie-of-the-week-style strokes (e.g., when Lexi tries to run interference for one of her skinhead friend's victims, he knocks Lexi down instead: "An eerie wail of pain filled the room. Zeidler's stories about World War II and seeing her own younger sister become a member of the "hate" group, Lexi comes to recognize how she has mistaken lies for truth. Zeidler is reminded of her own childhood in Germany during Hitler's reign. Seeing Lexi's tattoo of a swastika ("I call it my spider," Lexi explained, even though the woman hadn't asked. Zeidler (mistaking red spray paint for blood) invites the frightened girl into her house.

Lexi is being chased by the police when Mrs.

Zeidler first meet after Lexi vandalizes a local synagogue. Primroses and bluebells flourish in the woodland, which is also home to a population of dormice.Williams (Behind the Bedroom Wall) returns to the subject of Nazism and its effect on youths, this time setting her story in modern-day America, juxtaposing the thoughts of a teenage "skinhead" against the memories of a former member of the Hitler Youth. Lady's Wood is a three hectare site with a rich variety of trees and shrubs. It's thought the strawberry spider is also present at another Devon Wildlife Trust reserve a few miles away, Andrew's Wood. "We've got photos of the spider with us so we know what we are looking for." "We thought we should go out every five years and look for it. "It is supposed to be very rare - whether that's because people just don't know about it, or whether it is actually rare - we don't really know. "That was the first time it was known that the spider was at the reserve. The trust's reserves officer, Jackie Gage, said: "There was an official survey done in 2003 by an expert, David Boyce, and he identified the strawberry spider. The reserve is managed by the Devon Wildlife Trust. Volunteers carried out a survey at the reserve in June 2008 to see if the spider is still present at Lady's Wood.