Every word feels deliberately chosen nothing feels out of place or extraneous. But whatever their genre, what they have in common is precise writing and exquisite control of craft. The stories encompass every genre of the fantastic: There are science fiction, fantasy and horror stories to be had here. Hopkinson’s first collection, Skin Folk (2001), won Locus, Sunburst and World Fantasy awards Falling in Love with Hominids comprises eighteen stories that have appeared in the fifteen years or so, mostly in original anthologies, since Skin Folk came out. Her new short story collection, Falling in Love with Hominids, out this past summer from Tachyon Publications, goes some way to explain exactly why her reputation is deserved.

Nalo Hopkinson is a major literary figure by any definition: as a Canadian speculative fiction writer, as a writer of the Caribbean diaspora, as a writer, full stop.